Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ponzu Sushi & Grill

I'll be real; I'm not a big sushi guy.  If I wanted to eat cold fish for dinner, I would have been born a seal (or maybe a dolphin, but that's probably a discussion best left for another post).  So why would I go to Ponzu, a fairly well-regarded Omaha sushi place in Aksarben Village?  Well, two reasons: (a) my wife loves sushi and (b) fried calamari.  I suppose it also could have been the Groupon, but that kind of makes me sound cheap...

But that's enough build-up.  How was the food?  If you must know, it was pretty good!  From a visual perspective (and let's be real, we eat with our eyes), you would be hard-pressed to do much better.  Take a look at this calamari...

It tastes every bit as good as it looks.  For any "This American Life" fans out there, I should mention that I have no reason to believe that this calamari was actually pig rectum.  For any non-NPR listeners out there, I'm very sorry for the preceding sentence.  Please, continue to enjoy your meal.

For my entree, I went with the teriyaki chicken and coconut jasmine rice.  I'm not going to bore you with a detailed description of the individual rice grains or the pleasing char on both the asparagus spears and chicken.  All I'll tell you is that it was delicious and served to immediately relieve me of my guilt in ordering something as boring as teriyaki chicken (hey, at least I didn't get fish and chips like the poor schmuck at the next table).

Oh, and here's some sushi.

It was good.  There, I said it.

I have not yet developed an official rating system for these restaurant reviews, but let's go ahead and give Ponzu three Ball-Bouncing Seals out of four.

(Yeah, I'm sure this system will have some staying power...)

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