As is apparent from the blog's title, this is an Omaha food blog.  No further explanation is really needed.

What is not necessarily apparent, however, is that it's being written by a a man who once used a personal deep fryer (sort of like an Easy-Bake Oven for lazy law school students) up to a dozen times a week.  You read that correctly.  At least once a day, I would submerge various forms of frozen and breaded chicken (Tyson, if you must know) in hot oil (canola, of course), throw it on a plate and call it a day.  Needless to say, going off of smell alone, I'm sure my peers thought I was working at McDonald's to pay my way through law school.

So what changed?  Well, I married someone who doesn't enjoy the same crippling tolerance of deep fat fried goodies.  So the fryer was retired and I actually learned how to cook.  Now - instead of making crispy chicken quesadillas - I'm a foodie who uses phrases like "cloyingly sweet" and pronounces "Oaxaca cheese" with a passable Mexican accent.  It's a marginal improvement, at best.

Nevertheless, this blog will track my journey through Omaha's food scene and give the world a glimpse at what it looks like when an otherwise boring corporate lawyer attempts to replicate Ecuadorian cuisine.  It should be interesting...

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